Saturday 9 January 2010

Hello fellow stardoll-ers :)

This is a brand new blog all about stardoll. I, Lucy ('missbordem' on stardoll), have had stardoll for nearly 3 years now and have seen it morph and update itself so much. You used to have one room. One room! and now you have 10, if your a superstar, and 4 if your a non-superstar. ? I love stardoll so much and am here to give you all the latest updates, tips and gossip about everything stardoll.

The three writers on this blog are:
Lucy (me) - missbordem
Megan - meganp969 &
India - MissIndia_

'Til next time :)


TheHarryPotterFans said...

Now though, because i have joined (india, Missindia_) there will be a dramatic change lol.
only kidding.
i have a great idea. why dont we join harry potter with stardoll.
not the characters, but what they wear.
good idea, is it not.

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.