Sunday 28 March 2010

Clothes only for USA.

If you don't live in the USA, then you won't be able to buy Olsenboye clothes. But, just click here to buy the clothes. 

So I don't have any of the Olsenboye clothes and to be honest, I'm not that keen. But your opinion may vary. All in all, my favourite piece is the red high-waisted skirt and the denim jacket.

Happy shopping! 

Love you all, remember to follow our blog and comment. 


Bree. said...

Heey The Stardoll Pigeons!
I a wondering where you can get the skirt, because I cliked the link and T got all the clothes except the red skirt.

TheHarryPotterFans said...

Meganp969 here.
I'm really sorry, but I myself can't seem to get the red skirt. It was my favourite piece but I was unable to buy it.

I'm sorry I couldn't help you get the skirt.

Meganp969 x

Bree. said...

Ok Hiaa meganp969
Thank-You for replying.
Yes, it was my favourite piece of clothing there, too. :(
Nevermind (: